What is a personal branding shoot?

April 12, 2022

We get a lot of questions about personal branding shoots; What they are, why brands should have one, the benefits, and the process… 

As personal branding shoots are something we love doing here at Onyx, we’ve laid out everything you need to know in this blog post about personal branding shoots. 

So first of all, what is a personal branding shoot? 

It’s all in the name! Personal branding photography is a portrait photoshoot of you, representing your brand. Whether you’re a one-woman biz, or a group of hard working females, a personal branding shoot will show a side of your business that buyers and clients haven’t seen before. 

Why have a personal branding shoot?

They’re PERF for service or product based businesses, because who’s behind the biz. Potential clients and customers love to see who’s behind the business and brand, and doing so builds way more trust. And building trust builds relationships, which leads to more sales and clients! 

People always want to hear brand stories, and see who’s achieved it. It’s basically a perfect way to shout about your success 🖤 

So is it basically a headshot session?

We do take some professional headshots for you, but we also take photographs of you working and doing your thing, which is perfect for social media content! 

The main difference between headshot photography (or corporate photography) and personal branding photography is that it’s WAY more personal, and it really allows you to hone in on your ideal client. You get to showcase yourself and your own personality within the business as part of your brand. You’re beautiful, badass, and hardworking – FLAUNT IT!! 

People love to see the work in action, the product being made or packaged, and desk spaces! 

If your day-to-day working space isn’t what you want photographed, we can recommend plenty of spaces to shoot in instead. 

If you’re looking to book a personal branding shoot, drop us a message! We’re open to all of your weird & wonderful ideas, or if you don’t know where to start, we’ll plan it with you 🖤
Follow our Instagram to check out the gorgeous women in the previous personal branding shoots we’ve done.

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