Vegan Food Photography Shoot – Bondade, Leicester 

March 31, 2023

Hey there! 

Have I got a treat for you today!

As some of you may already know I’m vegan so I was super excited when Devi from Bondade got in touch with me to photograph her new food menu for the restaurant.  

I’ve been a massive fan of the restaurant for ages and I frequently visit Bondade for lunch and to catch up with friends and spend a little bit of time working there when I fancy a change of scenery! Bondade is a fully vegetarian and vegan restaurant based in Clarendon Park in Leicester which is home to lots of local independent businesses such as The Bloom Project! (One of my other favs!)

I’ve been dying to get into more food photography so working with Bondade was the  perfect opportunity to collaborate and get creative! 

When shooting food photography or creating content for restaurants, I love being able to visit the restaurant and get a feel for their style and their ideal client base as that really helps with the shoot planning! 

One of my favourite things about the shoot was that Devi let me have full creative reign over the style of the images and that we were able to shoot them in the restaurant. Shooting on location is great whether it’s for product photography or headshot photography because it means that we can use the surroundings and the environment in the images to really add something extra to the shoot, which worked really well for these photos! 

So if you feel like our “Shoot and Ship” option wouldn’t suit your business then there’s no need to worry because we can also come to you. If you are looking for a food or product photographer in the Midlands then I’d love to chat, drop us a message here and make sure to check out Bondade if you’re in the area and looking for a coffee or a bite to eat!

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